Rebuilding & Recovery for AMY Counties

Please complete the form below and fill out the Home Repair Request form.  

Scroll towards the bottom of the page to find the Equipment Loan Form.

You may contact the Plans desk directly, text preferred,  if you have any questions 828-467-8396 or email: 

*Update – 12/9/2024 – We are now entering into the next phase – Rebuilding & Recovery in WNC.

We are working with individuals, organizations and contractors for rebuilding. If your home has repairable damage, please click the button above and complete the intake form. We will be able to offer assistance in the form of: supplies and materials, labor assistance for repair, etc.

Please provide as much detail about the damage your home and or property to include photos. Our team will review your information, reach out to you to schedule a visit and then discuss options and timelines. 

We offer a FREE loaner program for chainsaws, dehumidifiers, and log splitters.

Rules are simple.

Fill out this form below we and will contact you, then you can come get the item, use it for its loan period,  and return for service/sharpening/maintenance, and sign out another one if you need to. 

Loan periods are: Dehumidifier 2 weeks, Chainsaw 1 week, Wood Splitter 1 week, Wood Chipper 1 week.

©️ 2024-2025 W34P Foundation Incorporated is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax-deductible where allowed by the IRC.