IMMEDIATE NEEDS for "We The People Mission" Distribution Point
Avery County Airport - 400 Brushy Creek Road, Spruce Pine, NC 28777

Please check back here often as our needs change almost daily.


 We kindly ask that the below items not be      sent as we have more urgent needs and are  fully stocked with:
  • Used Clothes
  • Diapers 
  • Adult Diapers
  • Formula
  • Water

Newly added Needs

Small electric heaters

Building supplies – nails, screws

Building materials – roofing shingles – starter & asphalt, ridge capping, underlayment, ice\water shield, flashing, drip edge, pipe boots, roof louvers ridge vents, wind turbines

Pre-Treated Lumber – all sizes

Foam Board


Zip Ties

Wheel barrows

Axes & Wedges


1lb propane tanks

Wool Blankets – 100% wool

Laundry detergent          
Dishwasher pods/detergent
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Heated Hoses
Weather Stripping
Pipe Insulation
Blue Board
Disposable Bowls
Disposable Cups
Disposable Plates
Solar Chargers
Dryer Sheets
Large Heavy Duty Tarps
Solar Powered Crank Emergency Radios
Small Power Inverters (20)
Aluminum Foil
13 gal trash bags
Plastic Wrap
Spigot Covers
Wet Cat Food
Wet Dog Food
Dry Cat Food
Dry Dog Food
Chicken Feed
Insulated Coveralls - all sizes to include XS
Canned Corn
Dry Beans - all kinds
Cereal - all varieties
Cooking Oil
Distilled Vinegar
Cream of mushroom, chicken celery
Broths - Beef, Chicken, Vegetable
Water - 1 gallons
Chips - snack size or variety packs

 ©️ 2024 W34P Foundation Incorporated is a nonprofit,  tax-exempt charitable organization (tax ID number 33-1711709) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

All donations designated for specific projects shall be exclusively applied to those projects. A fee of up to 10% may be assessed to cover administrative costs. In the event that a project receives an excess of donations, such surplus will be utilized to address other critical needs within our organization