BACKGROUND: Our mission started in a small hangar at the Avery County Airfield in Spruce Pine, NC.
Immediately after landfall, we realized the need to get families uncovered and fitted with supplies. So, we did what was natural – tried to find roads and paths that were accessible by vehicle. We were led to the local airfield. This airfield had just started to receive supplies being flown in by helicopter, but the supplies were not yet making it to the people directly impacted.
We did the only thing we knew to do – started listening to chatter (3-day delay) and redirecting incoming supplies to Avery Airfield.
The pallet of water grew and grew, then other supplies started to arrive and multiply.
We called friends to come and help load their trucks to take the supplies to the people, directly.
America responded like never before. Volunteers and donations started flooding in over the following weeks.
Most importantly – Despite completely destroyed infrastructure and lack of existing supply lines, we have saved lives!
21 DAYS LATER: We are operating with an advanced infrastructure, including specialty teams (mule teams, helo teams, medical teams, SAR teams).
We have had volunteers joining our ranks from across the country. People from Alaska to California have driven through the night in order to be part of our mission.
As of today, there are many families still stranded, deep in the mountains. Our mission will not stop.
LONGTERM GOAL: We developed a strategic plan for long-term recovery efforts including food replenishment, reconstruction, rebuilding through independent and vetted contractors, in short: Supporting local residents in need over the next few months.
VOLUNTEER: Many hands make light work. Please
SIGN UPDONATE: See our daily updated needs list
FINANCIAL SUPPORT: Send funds to support our efforts